Easily download and get started with free stock photos from platforms such as Burst . Moreover, marketers are already aware of the fact that the fastest way to reach customers is through influencers. Platforms like Impact.co make it easy to reach relevant influencers at scale. AI can't replace niche content experts, but it can definitely boost content production based on sports games, financial reports, and market data. Related Content: How to Write Content for People and Optimize It for Google 6) Provide a highly personalized website experience for every user People love content, offers, products and services that are personalized for them. Trends in Evergage's 2016 Personalization
Report suggest that whatsapp database around 33% of marketers surveyed are using AI as a means to deliver personalized experiences to their users. AI has made it easier to analyze data points. You can view personalized content and offers to individual prospects by analyzing locations, devices, past interactions, demographics, and more. You can also automate your email marketing and send regular push notifications to your prospects based on micro-moments or current interactions with your business. RareCarat uses
IBM Watson technology to allow prospective customers to compare diamond prices across various online retailers, helping buyers find the right diamond at the right price. A New York-based startup and e-commerce platform for buying diamonds does this with the help of an AI-powered robot called “Rocky . ” The robot can answer all diamond-related questions and assist buyers in getting the best possible price for a ring. download sauce 7) Optimize for voice search queries With the rise of voice search queries, marketers need to optimize long-tail voice queries in natural language.